BBC caught red handed in SHOCKING pro Israel bias scandal!

The BBC are currently engaged in perhaps one of the most blatant examples of shameless pro Israel bias they’ve ever committed! Right, so the BBC’s reputation for impartial broadcasting of news content is very much in the gutter these days, but what they’ve done here is so shockingly appalling, nails on their pro Israel bias … Read More >BBC caught red handed in SHOCKING pro Israel bias scandal!

The INSANE Plan to Bait China: Push Japan, Philippines Into WAR | Profs. S. Weigelin-S. & W. Powell

While NATO has been demilitarised in the Ukraine Proxy-War and the US is already bogged down in yet another theatre of war in West Asia, the neocons won’t give up on their biggest obsession; the great Showdown-War with China. … Read More >The INSANE Plan to Bait China: Push Japan, Philippines Into WAR | Profs. S. Weigelin-S. & W. Powell