BBC caught red handed in SHOCKING pro Israel bias scandal!

The BBC are currently engaged in perhaps one of the most blatant examples of shameless pro Israel bias they’ve ever committed! Right, so the BBC’s reputation for impartial broadcasting of news content is very much in the gutter these days, but what they’ve done here is so shockingly appalling, nails on their pro Israel bias and it actually has nothing to do with their news content for once, but what they’ve been up to behind the scenes and actually not even for the first time either. The BBC has decided to block an aid appeal for Gazan victims of Israeli atrocity, a televised appeal designed to go out on multiple broadcast stations, all of whom have agreed to broadcast it, with the exception of the BBC, they are the only station it seems that has a problem with it. Is that because they are afraid of the Starmer led government, pro Israel as that is coming down on them, or are they afraid they’ll come in for criticism from the Israeli state itself? Whatever the reasoning, this move by the BBC is holding up the entire aid appeal, our free and impartial publicly funded broadcaster once again, proving it is anything but and over some like this, is frankly unforgivable.

Watch: Here