Conservatives cry ‘bigotry!’ as Dems call for Parler to be PROBED BY FBI for role in US Capitol riot, alleged Russian ties

House Oversight Committee Chairwoman Rep. Carolyn Maloney is requesting the FBI investigate social media platform Parler as a “potential facilitator” of the US Capitol riot earlier this month. … Read More >Conservatives cry ‘bigotry!’ as Dems call for Parler to be PROBED BY FBI for role in US Capitol riot, alleged Russian ties

Whose fault is that? Establishment cyber-police drive Parler off the internet, act surprised when it works with THE RUSSIANS

Conservative social media platform Parler is back, and after failing to completely railroad it off the internet, respectable “experts” are now whining about its new Russian links. But even those links aren’t what they seem. … Read More >Whose fault is that? Establishment cyber-police drive Parler off the internet, act surprised when it works with THE RUSSIANS

Latvia wants to criminalize any contact with Moscow, activist prosecuted for penning articles for Russian media outlets tells RT

Seven people, who worked with Russian media outlets in Latvia have been charged with breaking international sanctions. It’s a signal that the Baltic state seeks to criminalize ties with Russia, one of them told RT. … Read More >Latvia wants to criminalize any contact with Moscow, activist prosecuted for penning articles for Russian media outlets tells RT

Capitol Hill violence was not a ‘victory’ for Putin: In reality, Russia fears consequences of ongoing US political instability

Despite the fact that neither Vladimir Putin nor any other senior Moscow official has ever publicly stated such a goal, it is nowadays almost a given in Western discourse that Russia is hell-bent on creating chaos in the world. … Read More >Capitol Hill violence was not a ‘victory’ for Putin: In reality, Russia fears consequences of ongoing US political instability

Renowned ABBA fan Putin tipped by Western media to invade Sweden. Will he start WWIII just to force legendary group to reunite?

Mamma Mia! Swedes must have been shocked to read of secret Russian plans to invade their country, reported this week by a leading American newspaper as an explanation of why Stockholm is seeking closer military ties with the US. … Read More >Renowned ABBA fan Putin tipped by Western media to invade Sweden. Will he start WWIII just to force legendary group to reunite?

Not even a ‘highly likely’? Cybersecurity group admits SolarWinds hack came FROM WITHIN THE US, but doubles down on blaming Russia

Internet security firm FireEye has revealed the enormous SolarWinds hack that left upwards of 250 agencies and businesses unprotected for weeks was launched from inside the US – but that hasn’t stopped them from blaming Moscow. … Read More >Not even a ‘highly likely’? Cybersecurity group admits SolarWinds hack came FROM WITHIN THE US, but doubles down on blaming Russia

German general calls Russia NATO’s ‘greatest threat’ since military are ineffective against terrorism & China is ‘too far away’

NATO still counts Russia as its biggest threat because it virtually struggles to find any other danger close to Europe it could effectively counter, a German general and the US Army Europe chief of staff has seemingly admitted. … Read More >German general calls Russia NATO’s ‘greatest threat’ since military are ineffective against terrorism & China is ‘too far away’

US Treasury & Commerce departments HACKED, internal emails reportedly monitored for MONTHS, in breach pinned on usual suspects

The US Treasury Department’s internal emails have been compromised, allegedly through Microsoft’s Office 365 service, with a pack of anonymous sources pinning the “sophisticated” intrusion on the omnipotent ‘Russian hackers’. … Read More >US Treasury & Commerce departments HACKED, internal emails reportedly monitored for MONTHS, in breach pinned on usual suspects

They’re looking down on us! VP Pence & top general use NASA meeting to accuse Russia of ‘threatening’ America from space

The space race might seem a thing of the past now that Russian and US astronauts routinely share rides to the International Space Station, but according to NASA, Moscow has taken its supposed ‘war on the West’ into the cosmos. … Read More >They’re looking down on us! VP Pence & top general use NASA meeting to accuse Russia of ‘threatening’ America from space

Nasty Russian needles & brave British grannies! BBC’s politicised Covid vaccine schizophrenia plays into hands of anti-vaxxers

Western media seems to be blissfully unaware that by attacking Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine, for seemingly geopolitical reasons, it’s handing ammunition to people at home who seek to argue that no jab is safe. … Read More >Nasty Russian needles & brave British grannies! BBC’s politicised Covid vaccine schizophrenia plays into hands of anti-vaxxers