How Michael Bloomberg’s ‘Journalists’ Propagandize for More U.S. Aggressions

US regime's propaganda

This will be exposing typical U.S.-regime propaganda. That’s propaganda favoring U.S. imperialism, which actually violates the intentions of America’s Founders, and the spirit of the U.S. Constitution.

The U.S. regime’s propaganda doesn’t come from the Government directly, but instead from the 607 billionaires who control the regime, via their corrupt control over the successful politicians (in both Parties), financing their careers, and by their owning (and otherwise controlling) the regime’s ‘news’-media, which are privately owned and which carry the same propaganda as the Government’s ‘publicly owned’ ‘news’-media do — all of America’s mainstream ‘news’-media being in favor of the U.S. Government’s sanctioning (economic-blockading) and trying to overthrow by means of coup or sometimes outright invasion, countries (such as Iraq, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Libya, etc.)

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