Yemen offers Saudi Arabia peace, but SA bombs them in response


Editor’s Note: The Saudis made a big mistake in bombing Hudaydah and breaking the truce there after the Houthis had unilaterally stopped its missile and drone strikes, attempting to start talks.

The Saudis spit in their face, possible thinking that for “Arab honor” they had to hit Yemen somehow. Bad move I think.

So what will Yemen do now? Will it strike the Saudis again in retaliation, before the US can get its enhances air defenses all operational? Or will it wait until they are, thinking that if they can defeat them then it will be a bigger humiliation for the Gulf coalition.

Or would the Houthis hold back even if it could strike now, saving its fire power for when the real shooting war starts when both sides would want to hit the other’s main defenses while they still had all of their offensive assets in place?

The US coalition has the advantage here in that it can use its weapons on the ship with short notices, whereas the Houthis have the logistics delays in pulling their missiles out of hiding and getting set up to fire.

Unfortunately the Gulf coalition has made so many preemptive attacks on Yemen, including killing endless civilians, it fears no world public isolation, and neither does the US so far.

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