The Israel Plot To WIPE OUT Journalism in Northern Gaza.

Israel are targeting the last six remaining journalists in Northern Gaza, a war crime, in order to blind us to what is to come next. Right, so arguably the focus more than anything else happening in the Middle East right now has been on the course of events that have been happening specific to Northern Gaza, a drastic increase in Israeli atrocity happening there, but that might be something we don’t see for too much longer and that sadly isn’t because Israel are winding down, are being forced to back off or are being defeated in any way, but because they are now on a mission to eradicate not just the remaining people that part of Gaza, told to leave or be seen as active Hamas combatants and treated as such by the IDF, but now to deliberately target the few remaining journalists in the area, documenting and reporting on what is happening there.

What Israel is doing and how those trapped there are suffering. We know now that Israel want the North of Gaza cleared, all in keeping with the so-called General’s Plan, but they want to be able to get away with it, so that the eyes of the world are blinded, so the ears of the world can no longer hear, because according to social media posts by the IDF, the last 6 remaining journalists in Northern Gaza – all Al Jazeera – now have a mark on their heads because naturally they are all Hamas too now. Without any journalists being in the area, Israel can do what they like and justify it without anyone being able to challenge it.

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