A major settler rally heavily backed by Israeli government ministers has plotted the end of Gaza as a part of Palestine. Right, so the insane twisted minds of the Israeli settler movement are not without formal government backing now it seems as the dire Nahala movement, the hard right settlers determined to settle Gaza hold their conference and welcome members of the Israeli government to attend.
Hiding behind the demeanour of a smiley, friendly looking septuagenarian as Nahala does, behind their spokesperson Daniella Weiss, a fantastic Israeli name as you will have no doubt noticed, belies a level of pure nastiness, superiority, entitlement found nowhere else, where, with a smile on their faces they cheerfully talk of their dreams of a Gazan beachside property to live in after all of the Palestinians living there are made to disappear, because Gaza belongs to Israel, the Palestinians are merely squatters in the way of their divine right to that land and now seemingly with government assent, since this conference was attended by so many of Benjamin Netanyahu’s own Likud Party, not to mention other coalition partners discussing openly what Western leaders continue to deny, what international law states is illegal is going to happen away, whilst politicians bury their heads in the sand, nobody prepared to force Israel to obey the law they blatantly won’t follow.
Watch: Here