Changing education standards: America declines, the world rises

America is now pushing for lower academic standards in schools. We are seeing claims “Math is Racist,” and high schools in Virginia are getting rid of advance diplomas saying they are discriminatory. The entire AP and IB placement programs are under scrutiny. Meanwhile, American school systems are already way behind those in Europe. China and India are actually raising their academic standards in schools.

America is now pushing for lower academic standards in schools. We are seeing claims “Math is Racist,” and high schools in Virginia are getting rid of advance diplomas saying they are discriminatory. The entire AP and IB placement programs are under scrutiny. Meanwhile, American school systems are already way behind those in Europe. China and India are actually raising their academic standards in schools. Plus, the CDC quietly lowered developmental milestones for children aged two and three. This comes after proven studies show children are having developmental issues due to masking. How are other countries’ children dealing with the effects of covid masking? Scottie Nell Hughes speaks with Dr. Stephen Taylor and Dr. Marion Mass, a practicing pediatrician for 21 years, to get your 360 View.

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