Not Again.

UK Russia

The moment I was about to settle into the anticipation mode for the upcoming heat wave, bang, we have some pip squeak pretending that it can play a superpower. Everyone knows already that HMS Defender pretended that she is “stealth” and can defend something and violated territorial waters of Russia near Crimea. The warning shots have been fired and two OFAB-250 have been dropped on the course of British ship in full accordance to both International Law and Russia’s Law of State Border and now British say that there were no shots fired and bombs dropped. Yes, yes, and UK is a global superpower and has freest political system and UK government never, like never-never, lies (all the time). 

  Here is UK naval attache in Moscow getting Russia’s position expressed to him in Russian MoD. No sound, and rightly so–those things are seldom made public and, who knows, the British guy may be a very nice fellow who himself may feel embarrassed.

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