Civil war among ‘Russia disinformation’ crowd: How RT watchers fell out over not hating RT enough

Though awash with cash

Though awash with cash, the Western ‘Russian disinformation’ racket is at the mercy of the political winds. Thus, its gatekeepers need to ensure the officials who manage the money tree don’t realise the emperor has no clothes.

You may remember a report last month from British academics revealing how claims by the EU’s diplomatic service that RT is spreading fake news about the coronavirus pandemic were misleading and based on bad methodology.” It came after many mainstream US/UK media outlets uncritically parroted allegations from East StratCom – and its ‘EUvsDisinfo’ information war wing – that “Russian pro-Kremlin media” was conducting a “significant disinformation campaign” to stoke “confusion, panic and fear” in the West and “aggravate the coronavirus pandemic crisis.” 

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