‘New way of staging a coup’: Venezuelan FM blasts US for narco-terrorism charges against Maduro

Washington’s decision to indict Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on drug charges is “a new form of coup d’etat,” as well as a move to win over hispanic voters in Florida, Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza has claimed. … Read More >‘New way of staging a coup’: Venezuelan FM blasts US for narco-terrorism charges against Maduro

‘Models don’t match reality’: White House coronavirus chief rejects doomsday predictions as US tops Covid-19 case count

Even as the US overtook China in the official number of Covid-19 cases, the top physician leading the White House effort urged Americans not to panic, as models predicting the death of millions keep being proven wrong everywhere. … Read More >‘Models don’t match reality’: White House coronavirus chief rejects doomsday predictions as US tops Covid-19 case count

Troubled F-35 becomes latest coronavirus casualty after Pentagon puts the brakes on further tests

Tests being carried out on the delayed and over-budget F-35 have been suspended as part of a bid to contain the spread of coronavirus, the Pentagon has announced. The fighter plane has already suffered a string of pricey setbacks. … Read More >Troubled F-35 becomes latest coronavirus casualty after Pentagon puts the brakes on further tests

Hard pass on the Noriega remix? US narcotrafficking charges against Maduro straight out of Panama playbook

The US indictment of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and his subordinates on narcotrafficking charges echoes the rationale used to invade Panama and kidnap its leader – and Americans aren’t exactly thrilled with the reprise. … Read More >Hard pass on the Noriega remix? US narcotrafficking charges against Maduro straight out of Panama playbook

‘Too timid’: Italy rejects EU economic proposal, says it doesn’t go far enough as coronavirus deaths surge past 8,000

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said the European Union proposal to mitigate the economic fallout of the Covid-19 outbreak was nowhere near enough, and that more was needed to help the country hardest-hit by the virus. … Read More >‘Too timid’: Italy rejects EU economic proposal, says it doesn’t go far enough as coronavirus deaths surge past 8,000