Putin just DESTROYED the NATO plan for a global great reset | Redacted with Clayton Morris

Russia’s President Putin exposed the NATO plan to destroy Russia’s sovereignty and announced a massive expansion of the war in Ukraine. The Fed raised interest rates pushing us towards a recession. People are hoarding groceries and basic necessities. … Read More >Putin just DESTROYED the NATO plan for a global great reset | Redacted with Clayton Morris

Putin has a DEVASTATING message for NATO and he’s not bluffing | Redacted with Clayton Morris

Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed his nation today and announced a “partial military mobilization.” In civilian speak, this means that he is ramping up his country’s efforts in Ukraine. He says that the West has thwarted peace talks and if Russian borders are threatening, he is ready to escalate. … Read More >Putin has a DEVASTATING message for NATO and he’s not bluffing | Redacted with Clayton Morris

Вы не поверите своим ушам! Британский Епископ Ричард Уильямсон. You won’t believe your ears! British Bishop Richard Williamson.

Speech by British Bishop Richard Williamson in Poland, in Warsaw. … Read More >Вы не поверите своим ушам! Британский Епископ Ричард Уильямсон. You won’t believe your ears! British Bishop Richard Williamson.