Iran make a STUNNING offer to the UN that they can’t refuse!

Iran have put on the negotiating table and offer to the UN that they really can’t afford to refuse, however there is a catch… Right, so Iran have made an offer to the UN that they can’t refuse and this I fancy is no coincidence given the election of Donald Trump in the US and the frankly insane line up of pro Israel war hawks he’s been putting into his administration when he takes power again in January. Iran has been playing a clever game in my view with the West, especially given social media has enabled Iran’s messaging to bypass the bias of Western mainstream media, so no longer are as many people being sucked in by claims that Iran is a militaristic bogeyman here and that impression has been reinforced by Israel clearly them now on three occasions as the world awaits Iran’s response to that latest strike, they were in no rush to retaliate last time, they don’t seem to be this time either.

Watch: Here