UK now implicated in Israel’s attacks on Beirut!

Issues of arms sales to Israel are hammering the Labour government again, this time implicating them in recent Israeli attacks on Beirut. Right, so while the UK is facing a day in the Hague along with the US for being complicit in the actions by Israel against he people of Gaza, now the rap sheet against the UK may be about to grow due to potentially being implicated in the recent strikes on Lebanon, particularly Beirut and once more it comes down to those arms export licences the UK has suspended a tiny fraction of, but refuses to cancel more of them and it is one of those that might now be carrying further legal consequences for the UK. Along with the UK government, arms sales executives could also find themselves having a day in the dock and it once more centres around the export of F-35 fighter jet parts, something the UK government felt it could get away with because they don’t end up directly supplied to Israel and could therefore not be held accountable for the blue and white state getting hold of them, well it seems they are very wrong and as recent acts of atrocity in Lebanon has now shown, it might not just be in relation to Gaza the UK government finds itself criminally liable in relation to now either.

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