PRICE TO PAY: Cost of Zionism Exposed Amid Netanyahu’s Student Attacks

While Netanyahu encourages the student crackdown on pro-Palestine protesters, the cost of Zionism is exposed in the UK. Right, so at the risk of distracting from where focus should be, which is the ongoing plight of Palestinians, it’s still important to challenge the ongoing pro-Israeli narratives and we’re seeing that in no small part in the US, on college campuses, students saying enough is enough and being referred to as antisemitic mobs taking over in the words of Israel’s genocidal maniac of a Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, because they wish their colleges to divest themselves of financial interests in Israel, to disassociate themselves from the Zionist regime, very much a not in our names moment and because college administrations have kicked back over this, the movement has spread across multiple colleges and Universities. Young people in America are not backing down.

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