The Fake News Matrix

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A friend insisted that I  watch some of the US TV reporting of Russia’s police action in Eastern Ukraine, called a “Russian invasion” by the Western Presstitutes.  He said it was such comically infantile war propaganda that he was insulted that the media would think Americans stupid enough to fall for it.  To sum it up, there was no reporting, just fictions deployed to demonize Putin and Russia in the most incompetent way conceivable.  The Russians are both destroying Ukraine, bombing and killing everyone, shooting down Ukrainians as they flee cities and losing the war.

Their invasion has been halted by Ukrainian forces led by neo-Nazi “freedom fighters.”  This despite all “freedom fighters” being surrounded and cut off.  Massive Russian loses of troops, tanks, and jet fighters are reported.  Only a portion of the Russian troops have been committed to combat, but according to the presstitutes Russia is reduced to replacing its decimated troops with conscripted untrained youth and elderly men and begging China for weapons with which to fight.  Hungry and unfed Russian troops are surrendering to Ukrainian forces in order to get something to eat.

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