Middle East Chessboard: How Iran, Turkey and Qatar Can Counterbalance Emerging Israeli-Gulf ‘Bloc’

Iran, Turkey6

Iran, Turkey and Qatar could form a united front to counter-balance possible geostrategic changes on the Middle Eastern grand chessboard emanating from the 15 September Abraham Accords inked by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain with Israel, says Mahan Abedin, a veteran journalist and analyst of Iranian and Middle Eastern politics.

Tehran and Ankara subjected the two Persian Gulf kingdoms to tough criticism, accusing them of betraying the Palestinian cause. In addition to this, Iranian political and military circles have issued strongly worded warnings to the Arab monarchies: the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), an elite branch of the Iranian Armed Forces, denounced the normalisation deal as “historical foolishness”; the Iranian foreign ministry condemned it as “strategic idiocy”

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