US debt crisis wasn’t supposed to happen until at least 2035. Covid-19 is rapidly pushing it closer

The overall price tag of the fiscal stimulus package in the US could be around one trillion dollars. With record budget deficits and its national debt at $23 trillion, is the US hastening toward a fiscal reckoning? … Read More >US debt crisis wasn’t supposed to happen until at least 2035. Covid-19 is rapidly pushing it closer

Russia’s holdings of US state debt is 25 times smaller than that of tiny Luxembourg

Russia’s holdings of US securities as of September stood at $10.75 billion, recent data from the US Treasury Department shows. Moscow’s total is just a fraction of what small states, like the Cayman Islands and Luxemburg, hold. … Read More >Russia’s holdings of US state debt is 25 times smaller than that of tiny Luxembourg

‘USA ROCKS! Enjoy!’ National debt surpasses terrifying $23 TRILLION as Trump praises ‘greater than expected’ jobs & stock surge

President Trump has applauded the latest jobs report and its positive effect on stock markets as critics unleashed on him for his failed promise to tame the US government spending spree that pushed the national debt over $23tn. … Read More >‘USA ROCKS! Enjoy!’ National debt surpasses terrifying $23 TRILLION as Trump praises ‘greater than expected’ jobs & stock surge