
German magazine declares Trump’s the DEVIL to be blamed for all that ails America. But he’s not the illness, just a symptom of it

German media covering US President Donald Trump’s response to the protests, rioting and violence stemming from the police killing of George Floyd have gone to cartoonish lengths to pin all the nation’s problems on Bad Orange Man. … Read More >German magazine declares Trump’s the DEVIL to be blamed for all that ails America. But he’s not the illness, just a symptom of it

Churchill next? Tearing down of British slave trader statue prompts wave of suggestions for further destruction

After protesters in the city of Bristol dramatically tore down a statue of 17th-century slave trader Edward Colston on Sunday, a wave of suggestions for whose effigy should be destroyed next has been unleashed. … Read More >Churchill next? Tearing down of British slave trader statue prompts wave of suggestions for further destruction