Telegram’s popularity surges amid Facebook outage as 70mn new users flock to messaging app

Encrypted messenger platform Telegram gained more than 70 million new sign-ups in a single day as Facebook and its subsidiaries Instagram, WhatsApp and Messenger all went dark for six hours, plunging users into existential crisis. … Read More >Telegram’s popularity surges amid Facebook outage as 70mn new users flock to messaging app

Content-sharing platform accuses Google and Apple of temporarily ‘censoring’ content on its Telegram group chat, a Reddit-like service for people who seek “true insight into what is actually happening in the world” has accused Google and Apple of censoring its group chat on Telegram messenger. … Read More >Content-sharing platform accuses Google and Apple of temporarily ‘censoring’ content on its Telegram group chat

Russian state fund invests in Telegram as part of messenger’s $1bn fundraising drive, despite country once trying to ban service

A controversial and increasingly popular messaging app has attracted more than $1 billion from new investors, its founder has announced, with Russia’s sovereign wealth stash said to be among those putting cash into the business. … Read More >Russian state fund invests in Telegram as part of messenger’s $1bn fundraising drive, despite country once trying to ban service

Israel’s ‘fake news war room’ set up to tackle vaccine disinformation loses battle to Telegram, unit’s head admits

As Israel’s record-setting inoculation drive slows down, it has set up a special unit to combat ‘fake news’ about coronavirus vaccines, but messaging app Telegram turned out to be too much to handle for official cyber warriors. … Read More >Israel’s ‘fake news war room’ set up to tackle vaccine disinformation loses battle to Telegram, unit’s head admits