Whilst you were distracted by Russia’s invasion, the Australian Gov. published data confirming the Fully Vaccinated now account for 9 in every 10 Covid-19 Deaths; some ‘Quadruple’ Vaccinated

The mainstream media narrative in Australia has switched from non-stop lies and propaganda around Covid-19, to non-stop lies and propaganda around the Russia-Ukraine conflict, just as it has in the UK. Proving that Governments and their propaganda machines in the “Western World” are working in lockstep to tell the public what to think and when to think it. … Read More >Whilst you were distracted by Russia’s invasion, the Australian Gov. published data confirming the Fully Vaccinated now account for 9 in every 10 Covid-19 Deaths; some ‘Quadruple’ Vaccinated

I’m A Proud American-Pole With Ukrainian Ancestry: Here’s Why #IStandWithRussia

As crazy as it may sound to some, Russia embodies my principles much more than the three governments associated with my triple identity. I can’t in good conscience support the American, Polish, and Ukrainian interpretations of this crisis since they’re based on false claims aimed at gaslighting the public into misperceiving Russia as the ‘aggressor’ when it’s really the US and its NATO allies like Poland that are exploiting Ukraine as a platform from which to attack Russia in the future. … Read More >I’m A Proud American-Pole With Ukrainian Ancestry: Here’s Why #IStandWithRussia