Looming Danger: Abandoned Tanker Laden With Flammable Liquid Floating Off Indian Coast

An abandoned tanker laden with 2,800 million tonnes naphtha is floating off the Goan coast, a tourist destination in India, and could spill its toxic content as a strong cyclone is set to bash the Arabian Sea’s Coastline. … Read More >Looming Danger: Abandoned Tanker Laden With Flammable Liquid Floating Off Indian Coast

Philippine mayor killed in daylight AMBUSH, as gang of 10 heavily armed gunmen open fire on police convoy

A Philippine city mayor who featured on Rodrigo Duterte’s ‘drug list’ was gunned down in an ambush by a gang of heavily armed men who assaulted the police convoy transporting the politician. … Read More >Philippine mayor killed in daylight AMBUSH, as gang of 10 heavily armed gunmen open fire on police convoy

North Korea to give China right to mine rare earths in return for investment in solar plants – report

China could gain access to a rare earth mine in North Korea in exchange for investment in solar energy, a Chinese industry association website said. The deal could ease North Korea’s chronic power shortages. … Read More >North Korea to give China right to mine rare earths in return for investment in solar plants – report

Japan’s ‘Weird Hotel’ chain admits bedside robots vulnerable to peeping hackers

With its robotic dinosaur desk clerks, the Henn-na Hotel chain has been among Japan’s quirkier inns. But new research has found that its room assistant could be hacked to spy on guests, putting it on a whole new level of ‘weird’. … Read More >Japan’s ‘Weird Hotel’ chain admits bedside robots vulnerable to peeping hackers