Iran Strikes Back At The US Over Israel Attack!

Following a verbal attack by Iran on Israel following their weekend air strike, next it was the US in the firing line & this move was genius! Right, so Iran has struck back at Israel over it’s attack on them on Saturday with a war of words and smack talk as I covered in another video the other day, but now has taken the US on directly too, a strike on them that is absolutely genius, because it puts the Biden administration between a rock and hard place, just where it deserves to be. You see, instead of just laying out some smack talk on the US as well, Iran have instead gone to the United Nations. But not only that, whilst the US has warned Iran not to strike back following Israel’s latest act of aggression and whilst our wet wipe of a UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer has said likewise, Iran have said OK fine, we won’t strike back, as long as Israel get out of Gaza and get out of Lebanon. Bring an end to the atrocity and we won’t strike you back. On offer on the table for Israel’s western backers to obviously refuse, but that’ll be on them, plus trouble brewing thanks to Iran making demands of the UN to intervene, done in a manner to bring maximum shame down on the United States. They’re boxing clever and boxing in shameless politicians n the Middle East and the West at the same time. Like I said, it’s genius.

Watch: Here