Biden takes on Afghanistan & digital currency takes on Wall Street

US President Joe Biden plans to withdraw troops from Afghanistan on September 11, 2021, leaving plenty of time for the War Hawks to create reasons to keep the US fighting its longest running war. Schools across the country are using similar restraint techniques on children that were used in the murder of George Floyd. Economist Richard Wolff breaks down the rise of Dogecoin on Wall Street. … Read More >Biden takes on Afghanistan & digital currency takes on Wall Street

Seaspiracy: How capitalism, corporations & the fishing industry are destroying our oceans

We speak to the UN special rapporteur on human rights and the environment, David Boyd. He discusses the class dynamic of the climate change crisis and how the rich are overwhelmingly to blame for the rise in CO2 emissions, how poor countries are bearing the brunt of the effects of climate change, why it is the responsibility of richer countries to fight climate change … Read More >Seaspiracy: How capitalism, corporations & the fishing industry are destroying our oceans

Minneapolis DSA candidate: Biden won’t defend Black Lives as he won’t go against the police, corporations & capitalists

On this episode of Going Underground we speak to the organiser of the Twin Cities Minneapolis Chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America and candidate in the Minneapolis City Council elections, Robin Wonsley. She discusses the emotional trauma that the police killing of Daunte Wright has once again had on the US’ African-American community … Read More >Minneapolis DSA candidate: Biden won’t defend Black Lives as he won’t go against the police, corporations & capitalists

21st century labor organizing, NYPD anti-terrorism unit targets protesters, big data misusing mugshots

Monica Cruz, a labor reporter and anchor with BreakThrough News, sits down with Lee Camp for a conversation on the national landscape for labor organizers in the US right now. Cruz just returned from Alabama where an Amazon union drive recently finished with a loss in the face of a massive Jeff Bezos-funded union busting campaign. … Read More >21st century labor organizing, NYPD anti-terrorism unit targets protesters, big data misusing mugshots

Biden explains Russia sanctions, now it’s Putin’s move (Full show)

Violent protests continue in Minneapolis for its fourth day. The media establishment has now become a target of the protesters’ ire, with videographers and reporters attacked numerous times. RT America’s John Huddy (in for Rick Sanchez) discusses the role of and importance of journalists in situations like this. … Read More >Biden explains Russia sanctions, now it’s Putin’s move (Full show)