‘Utter shambles’: UK court told escaped prisoner tried to turn himself in SEVEN TIMES but police refused

A British inmate who fled an open prison subsequently tried to hand himself in over the course of a month, but the Metropolitan Police refused to arrest him on seven occasions, his lawyer said. … Read More >‘Utter shambles’: UK court told escaped prisoner tried to turn himself in SEVEN TIMES but police refused

PM Johnson warns 2nd wave of coronavirus is coming to UK, says new restrictions may be needed

A second wave of Covid-19 is coming to the UK and the government may be forced to impose new restrictions to stem the spread of the virus, PM Boris Johnson has said, adding that he does not want a new national lockdown. … Read More >PM Johnson warns 2nd wave of coronavirus is coming to UK, says new restrictions may be needed

Phones Wiped Clean: What’s Behind Robert Mueller’s Russia Probe Team’s ‘Mass Password Amnesia’?

Last year, IG Horowitz found no evidence of bias in the FBI probe of the Trump campaign. However, it has turned out that over a dozen phones belonging to Special Counsel Mueller’s team had been wiped before being handed to the IG office. … Read More >Phones Wiped Clean: What’s Behind Robert Mueller’s Russia Probe Team’s ‘Mass Password Amnesia’?

Venezuela’s President Maduro Calls Pompeo’s ‘War-Mongering’ Tour a ‘Failure’

The US Department of State earlier announced Pompeo would be visiting South America with the aim of showing support for local democracies and containing the “threat” coming from “Maduro’s illegitimate regime”. … Read More >Venezuela’s President Maduro Calls Pompeo’s ‘War-Mongering’ Tour a ‘Failure’

US Navy Announces Multi-Year ‘Recovery Plan’ as Embattled Fleet Short Nearly 100 Fighter Pilots

The US Navy is embarking on an ambitious, three-year plan to restore its air training program after a spate of safety and technical issues has left the service short by some 90 fighter pilots from its goal number. … Read More >US Navy Announces Multi-Year ‘Recovery Plan’ as Embattled Fleet Short Nearly 100 Fighter Pilots

Greenwashing the US military, Julian Assange, RIP Kevin Zeese

The weather is getting more extreme by the year and conversations about climate change are growing along with it. So when Michael Moore made the movie ‘Planet of the Humans’, criticizing the corporate co-optation of the green movement, he came under attack from well-connected activists. … Read More >Greenwashing the US military, Julian Assange, RIP Kevin Zeese