Google Engineer Leaks Nearly 1,000 Pages of Internal Documents of Bias, Censorship

A former Google engineer has released nearly 1,000 pages of documents that he says prove that the company, at least in some of its products, secretly boosts or demotes content based on what it deems to be true or false, while publicly claiming to be a neutral platform. … Read More >Google Engineer Leaks Nearly 1,000 Pages of Internal Documents of Bias, Censorship

‘Nuclear weapon of bad ideas’: US, UK & Australia demand Facebook give backdoor access to WhatsApp & other encrypted messengers

US Attorney General William Barr and other western officials are calling on Facebook to provide authorities backdoor access to its encrypted messenger platforms … Read More >‘Nuclear weapon of bad ideas’: US, UK & Australia demand Facebook give backdoor access to WhatsApp & other encrypted messengers

Not a free speech platform: Facebook declares it’s a ‘publisher’ & can censor whomever it wants, walking into legal trap

Facebook has invoked its free speech right as a publisher, insisting its ability to smear users as extremists is protected, but its legal immunity thus far has rested on a law which protects platforms, not publishers. Which is it? … Read More >Not a free speech platform: Facebook declares it’s a ‘publisher’ & can censor whomever it wants, walking into legal trap