I understand why some people are nervous about a Covid vaccine, but open debate is the answer… NOT making immunisation compulsory

As we edge ever closer to a Covid vaccine, the arguments for making it mandatory grow ever louder. This is wrong. I will be first in the queue to get it, but forcing people to do so breaches their human rights. … Read More >I understand why some people are nervous about a Covid vaccine, but open debate is the answer… NOT making immunisation compulsory

Language police want to rewrite ‘sexist’ dictionaries — their real objective is THOUGHT CONTROL

The language war is in full swing. An open letter signed by leaders of Women’s Aid and the Women’s Equality Party demands that Oxford Dictionaries change their “sexist” definition of the word ‘woman.’ … Read More >Language police want to rewrite ‘sexist’ dictionaries — their real objective is THOUGHT CONTROL

Oxfordshire schoolgirl rises up against ‘trans inclusion’ that neglects vulnerable non-trans kids

A 13-year-old girl is suing Oxford County Council over its decision to allow trans pupils to choose which dorm they sleep in and which toilets they use, and the questions it raises go way beyond her own wish for privacy. … Read More >Oxfordshire schoolgirl rises up against ‘trans inclusion’ that neglects vulnerable non-trans kids