
Crosstalk: Democracy as circus

US President Joe Biden is hosting a virtual global summit on democracy. Apparently, Washington intends to launch a new crusade to save the world for democracy, at least as the foreign policy blob understands this political term. Critics of this stunt claim it is all about ‘strategic polarization’ and an attempt at ‘values-based diplomacy.’ … Read More >Crosstalk: Democracy as circus

Violent crime wave shows what happens when greed poisons American Dream (Full show)

The US saw historic levels of homicide in 12 major cities as NAFTA turns 28. Coincidence? Hardly! RT America’s Faran Fronczak explains how the anger and desperation that allows violent crime to bloom is owed in large part to NAFTA’s disempowerment of US workers and gutting of US communities. … Read More >Violent crime wave shows what happens when greed poisons American Dream (Full show)