Hillary hints at Trump grudge match, proving the Democrats are approaching political extinction

The former First Lady just can’t let it go. The belief that the presidency was denied her in 2016 by a thousand conspiracies is tempting her to enter the 2020 race at a time when Democrats desperately need new blood. … Read More >Hillary hints at Trump grudge match, proving the Democrats are approaching political extinction

‘Typical of her’: Hillary Clinton takes to UK airwaves to warn about, yep, Russia… but not everybody is impressed

Not content to beat the ‘Russiagate’ drum in the US, Hillary Clinton has used a book tour in the UK to sound the alarm about supposed Russian interference in British politics. Critics say her tour is election meddling in itself. … Read More >‘Typical of her’: Hillary Clinton takes to UK airwaves to warn about, yep, Russia… but not everybody is impressed

Tulsi Gabbard lawyer demanding retraction from Hillary Clinton over ‘defamatory’ Russian asset smear

A lawyer for presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard is demanding that Hillary Clinton retract her “defamatory” comments alleging that the anti-war Democrat is a Russian asset and Moscow’s “favorite” for the 2020 election. … Read More >Tulsi Gabbard lawyer demanding retraction from Hillary Clinton over ‘defamatory’ Russian asset smear

How did you kill Jeffrey Epstein?’ Hillary Clinton bursts into laughter over dead body joke… again

In an appearance on the Daily Show, Hillary Clinton was asked to weigh in on her role as the arch nemesis of conservatives, and how – not if – she added Jeffrey Epstein to the “Clinton body count” theorized by conspiracy buffs. … Read More >How did you kill Jeffrey Epstein?’ Hillary Clinton bursts into laughter over dead body joke… again

Hillary Clinton thinks ‘God put her on earth’ to be president, former Bill Clinton adviser says

Despite a failed run at the presidency in 2016, one former adviser to Bill Clinton reckons Hillary is waiting in the wings for another try in 2020, claiming “She feels like God put her on the earth to do it.” … Read More >Hillary Clinton thinks ‘God put her on earth’ to be president, former Bill Clinton adviser says