War in Europe’: Ukrainian leader Zelensky tells United Nations that Russia wants to divide the world into spheres of influence

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has accused neighboring Russia of trying to divide the world into “spheres of influence” in a speech, delivered remotely from Kiev, to the 75th session of the UN General Assembly. … Read More >War in Europe’: Ukrainian leader Zelensky tells United Nations that Russia wants to divide the world into spheres of influence

Really, lads? UK military touts Paratrooper deployment into ‘Russia’s BACKYARD’… that is, at Ukraine drills

Boasting about the biggest deployment of the Paras “in decades,” the UK Defence Ministry showed off photos of a training jump in Ukraine, which they described both as an ally – which it isn’t – and as “Russia’s backyard.” … Read More >Really, lads? UK military touts Paratrooper deployment into ‘Russia’s BACKYARD’… that is, at Ukraine drills

US aims for gas domination in Europe, Ukrainian MP says. Nord Stream 2 is 1st target, then existing European pipeline system

If the US succeeds in destroying the Russian-German Nord Stream 2 pipeline project, Washington’s next target will be the Ukrainian Gas Transmission System. That’s according to Yury Zagorodny, an opposition MP in Kiev’s parliament. … Read More >US aims for gas domination in Europe, Ukrainian MP says. Nord Stream 2 is 1st target, then existing European pipeline system

Russia demands answers from Washington on whether the US is facilitating terrorist attacks in Crimea, after NBC report

Russia’s embassy in the US has demanded clarification after an unnamed American official was cited in a report stating that US forces are providing weapons to militant units in Crimea as they launch attacks on Russian troops. … Read More >Russia demands answers from Washington on whether the US is facilitating terrorist attacks in Crimea, after NBC report

Belarus closes borders with Poland & Lithuania amid political turmoil, accusing both countries of interfering in its affairs

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has announced the decision to shut the country’s borders with Poland and Lithuania. He says the neighboring states are stroking protests in the country, and openly backing the opposition. … Read More >Belarus closes borders with Poland & Lithuania amid political turmoil, accusing both countries of interfering in its affairs

‘Humanitarian crisis’ unfolds on Ukraine-Belarus border as Jewish pilgrims left stranded after Kiev tightens Covid-19 restrictions

Hundreds of Hasidim pilgrims, seeking to visit a venerated rabbi’s grave in Ukraine’s Uman to mark Jewish New Year, have reportedly become stuck between Belarus and Ukraine after Kiev tightened border controls over coronavirus. … Read More >‘Humanitarian crisis’ unfolds on Ukraine-Belarus border as Jewish pilgrims left stranded after Kiev tightens Covid-19 restrictions

Ex-Zelensky chief of staff faces questioning over allegations Kiev has secret ‘normalization’ deal with Moscow

Ukraine’s State Bureau of Investigation has summoned President Volodymyr Zelensky’s former administration head for questioning, after suggesting that the government has a secret agreement with Russia to normalize relations. … Read More >Ex-Zelensky chief of staff faces questioning over allegations Kiev has secret ‘normalization’ deal with Moscow

US sanctions Ukrainian lawmaker who published Biden-Poroshenko tapes for ‘Russian influence’ in presidential election

Ukrainian parliamentarian Andrii Derkach has been sanctioned by the US, and his publication of alleged phone calls between the Ukrainian president and the US vice president declared ‘Russian interference’ in the US election. … Read More >US sanctions Ukrainian lawmaker who published Biden-Poroshenko tapes for ‘Russian influence’ in presidential election

‘Abducted’ protest leader Kolesnikova ‘ripped up passport’ to prevent deportation from Belarus to Ukraine – conflicting reports

Around 24 hours after she was apparently abducted in broad daylight on the streets of Minsk, confusion reigned on Tuesday morning about the exact whereabouts and status of Belarusian protest leader Maria Kolesnikova. … Read More >‘Abducted’ protest leader Kolesnikova ‘ripped up passport’ to prevent deportation from Belarus to Ukraine – conflicting reports

A year after he became president with a landslide victory, fewer than half of Ukrainians now say they trust Volodymyr Zelensky

Some 49 percent of Ukrainian citizens have lost confidence in Volodymyr Zelensky, who became president with 73.22 percent of the vote last year. Nevertheless, he is still more trusted than the country’s parliament and government. … Read More >A year after he became president with a landslide victory, fewer than half of Ukrainians now say they trust Volodymyr Zelensky