‘This is NUTS!’ Russiagaters see red over Putin’s planeload of corona-aid for Trump, queue to look gift-horse in mouth

Russophobic pundits and red-baiting blue-checks are gasping in horror and floating bizarre scenarios as Moscow prepares to send a planeload of much-needed medical supplies to the US amid its worsening coronavirus epidemic. … Read More >‘This is NUTS!’ Russiagaters see red over Putin’s planeload of corona-aid for Trump, queue to look gift-horse in mouth

Russiagate all over again: Secret EU report blames Russia for coronavirus ‘confusion, panic and fear’

When all else fails, blame Russia. That seems to be the EU approach to deflecting blame from its response to the coronavirus pandemic, no doubt because it has worked so well for Democrats in the US or London in the Skripal affair. … Read More >Russiagate all over again: Secret EU report blames Russia for coronavirus ‘confusion, panic and fear’

NYT tries to paint Sanders as Russian dupe over 1980s Soviet trip…but makes him look like a committed diplomat instead

The word ‘propaganda’ appears 10 times in the New York Times’ red scare story on Bernie Sanders’ 1980s Soviet outreach efforts. Regrettably, the newspaper has turned an interesting story itself into an abysmal piece of propaganda. … Read More >NYT tries to paint Sanders as Russian dupe over 1980s Soviet trip…but makes him look like a committed diplomat instead

‘We’ve seen no evidence’: Social media networks blow up US officials’ claim of ‘Russian coronavirus disinformation campaign’

Social media titans Twitter and Facebook poured cold water on the State Department’s latest conspiracy theory, insisting they’d seen no sign “Russian operatives” were spreading falsehoods about Covid-19 on their platforms. … Read More >‘We’ve seen no evidence’: Social media networks blow up US officials’ claim of ‘Russian coronavirus disinformation campaign’

US Democrats Call for Sanctions on Russia Over Alleged 2020 Election Meddling – Letter

US Senators Chuck Schumer and Sherrod Brown are urging the Trump administration to impose sanctions on Russia following reports alleging that the country is meddling in the 2020 presidential election, a letter published on Monday showed. … Read More >US Democrats Call for Sanctions on Russia Over Alleged 2020 Election Meddling – Letter

Democrats resurrect ‘Russiagate’ to go after both Trump and Bernie Sanders, hide their own election trickery

Establishment Democrats have now used the claims of ‘Russian meddling’ to go after their own progressive wing as well as President Donald Trump. The bogus accusation seems to be nothing more than cover for their own wrongdoing. … Read More >Democrats resurrect ‘Russiagate’ to go after both Trump and Bernie Sanders, hide their own election trickery

Russia isn’t only behind election hacking! They’re also trying to smear US over coronavirus … according to State Department

Not satisfied with just blaming Russia for election meddling, US officials are now claiming Moscow is trying to “sow discord” by spreading disinformation about the coronavirus and the US’ role in its creation and global response. … Read More >Russia isn’t only behind election hacking! They’re also trying to smear US over coronavirus … according to State Department