Civilians were allegedly shot & killed by US forces during Kabul airport bombing mayhem, eyewitnesses tell BBC

Some of the dozens of civilians reportedly killed in a suicide blast outside Kabul’s airport may have been shot by US soldiers amid the chaos caused by the deadly explosion, according to the BBC. … Read More >Civilians were allegedly shot & killed by US forces during Kabul airport bombing mayhem, eyewitnesses tell BBC

Why did intelligence community get Afghanistan so wrong? (Full show)

What does the future hold for Afghanistan, and what shape is the U.S. posture toward the country taking as its mission morphs into one of diplomacy? RT America’s John Huddy reports on what the White House and State Department are saying before Murad Gazdiev reports from the ground in Afghanistan. … Read More >Why did intelligence community get Afghanistan so wrong? (Full show)

Sweden ends Kabul evacuation missions as Stockholm acknowledges it couldn’t rescue everyone on its list

Stockholm has announced that its evacuation mission from Afghanistan has drawn to a close in the wake of Thursday’s fatal attacks at Kabul airport, but could not rescue everyone it intended to on its ‘Sweden list’. … Read More >Sweden ends Kabul evacuation missions as Stockholm acknowledges it couldn’t rescue everyone on its list

Nightmarish true cost of Afghanistan war (Full show)

Tyrel Ventura (in for Rick Sanchez) gives a staggering review of the US war in Afghanistan and its astronomical human toll. Then RT America’s John Huddy catches us up on press briefings at the Pentagon, State Department and White House as Washington grapples with the lessons of its war in Afghanistan, then RT’s Murad Gazdiev reports from Kabul amid abandoned NATO aircraft now in the hands of the Taliban. … Read More >Nightmarish true cost of Afghanistan war (Full show)

Panjshir resistance is two guys who want war to continue, Taliban spokesman tells Russian media, dismissing tribal militia threat

The anti-Taliban forces in northern Afghanistan are a minor nuisance that can be solved either through talks or by military force, a spokesman for the military movement has said. … Read More >Panjshir resistance is two guys who want war to continue, Taliban spokesman tells Russian media, dismissing tribal militia threat

Billions from Biden: Ukraine expects a lump sum from US taxpayers this week but, after Afghanistan, the timing couldn’t be worse

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is finally set to meet his American counterpart, Joe Biden, in Washington. More than two years in the making and postponed even at the last minute, the stakes could hardly be higher for Kiev. … Read More >Billions from Biden: Ukraine expects a lump sum from US taxpayers this week but, after Afghanistan, the timing couldn’t be worse