Obama adviser Susan Rice knows who’s responsible for the George Floyd riots. You guessed right, it’s RUSSIA!

In a statement that will surprise absolutely nobody, former national security adviser Susan Rice has declared that Russia – and not outraged Americans – is responsible for the anarchy on the US’ streets. How original. … Read More >Obama adviser Susan Rice knows who’s responsible for the George Floyd riots. You guessed right, it’s RUSSIA!

Russia’s to blame? MSM allegations that Moscow had a hand in US anti-police-brutality riots ‘entirely to be expected’

It’s completely predictable that politicians and news outlets are pointing the finger at Russia for riots across the US, analysts told RT, since blaming the Kremlin for everything inconvenient has become an American pastime. … Read More >Russia’s to blame? MSM allegations that Moscow had a hand in US anti-police-brutality riots ‘entirely to be expected’

‘I’m getting shot’: Police fire pepper balls at TV REPORTER & crew during Louisville protests (VIDEO)

The ‘shoot first, ask questions later’ mentality appears alive and well amongst cops in America. The latest example came during protests over the death of George Floyd in Kentucky where police fired pepper balls at a TV news crew. … Read More >‘I’m getting shot’: Police fire pepper balls at TV REPORTER & crew during Louisville protests (VIDEO)

‘Is that like Soylent Green?’ Trump adviser calls American workers ‘human capital stock’ & triggers cannibalism-themed meme storm

A White House adviser has triggered a wave of memes and mockery after referring to the US labor force as “human capital stock,” drawing countless comparisons to the dystopian sci-fi flick ‘Soylent Green’ (spoiler: it’s people). … Read More >‘Is that like Soylent Green?’ Trump adviser calls American workers ‘human capital stock’ & triggers cannibalism-themed meme storm

It’s the ‘End of Meat’, so shut up & drink the oil: NYT tries to berate its readers into a plant diet

Supermarket shelves are empty and slaughterhouses are cesspits of disease. With the coronavirus breaking supply chains, the New York Times has proclaimed the ‘End of Meat’. Why do these people only deal in absolutes? … Read More >It’s the ‘End of Meat’, so shut up & drink the oil: NYT tries to berate its readers into a plant diet

Pandemic, partisanship, and censorship bankrupting US news media

news media industry was already having difficulty staying afloat, but with the economic downfall caused by the pandemic, does it stand a chance? And Dr. Andre M. Perry joins us to discuss his new book ‘Know Your Price: Valuing Black Lives and Property in America’s Black Cities’. … Read More >Pandemic, partisanship, and censorship bankrupting US news media

‘THIS WILL KILL YOU’: Media goes into anti-HCQ panic mode after Trump says he’s taking the drug to fend off Covid-19

Media outlets rushed to denounce hydroxychloroquine after President Donald Trump revealed he was taking it as a prophylactic against the coronavirus. Pundits called the drug dangerous and ineffective based on selected studies. … Read More >‘THIS WILL KILL YOU’: Media goes into anti-HCQ panic mode after Trump says he’s taking the drug to fend off Covid-19

‘Camera off, mask off?’ CNN reporter blasted for removing mask seconds after end of WH press briefing

CNN correspondent Kaitlan Collins has been accused of Covid-19 theatrics, as she was caught hastily removing her face mask after a White House briefing. Collins has criticized Donald Trump for not wearing masks in public. … Read More >‘Camera off, mask off?’ CNN reporter blasted for removing mask seconds after end of WH press briefing

‘The Onion can’t keep up with CNN’: Network’s coronavirus town hall to feature… expert Greta Thunberg

CNN’s latest installment of its ‘Facts and Fears’ town hall on the coronavirus pandemic will feature teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg as one of its experts. What expertise Thunberg can offer on the virus is a mystery. … Read More >‘The Onion can’t keep up with CNN’: Network’s coronavirus town hall to feature… expert Greta Thunberg