George W Bush condemns Russian ‘invasion’ of Ukraine (Full show)

The so-called Doomsday Clock is currently 100 seconds before midnight – the closest it’s ever been. Meanwhile, the hypocrisy of the world’s countries is on full display as all talk diplomacy without actually practicing it. RT America’s Faran Fronczak explains. RT’s Charlotte Dubenskij reports from Europe as the EU mulls further sanctions on Russia, which it admits “will come at a cost” to its own citizens. … Read More >George W Bush condemns Russian ‘invasion’ of Ukraine (Full show)

UK threatens sanctions on Russia: ‘UK trying to take lead in what it’s not concerned with’

On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Lord Skidelsky, emeritus professor of political economy at the University of Warwick. He discusses the UK’s threats to sanction Russia over a potential invasion of Ukraine, why the UK is trying to take the lead in a situation that doesn’t really concern it, the UK and US heightening tensions with Russia … Read More >UK threatens sanctions on Russia: ‘UK trying to take lead in what it’s not concerned with’