Media miss one crucial detail in Israel’s ethnic cleansing plans

As Israel’s government mulls over horrific plans for ethnic cleansing, the media have missed one crucial detail… Right, so how untouchable does Israel think it is, possibly quite rightly, if they think they can not only consider plans to ethnically cleanse the whole of northern Gaza, but to do so quite publicly so that we’re already aware of it? This is where we’re at folks, so brazen has the Israeli regime become, so poorly are they held to account by governments too in hock to the Israel Lobby, that the first part of their plan to occupy the Gaza Strip, as shown in plans that have also recently surfaced, may be about to begin. I’m sure it is mere coincidence that these plans to resettle and assimilate the Gaza Strip into the State of Israel just happen to match plans being mooted to ethnically cleanse the north of the Gaza Strip that are being debated right now, which is all about flushing out Hamas if you listen to Israel of course, but to displace the estimated 3,000 people still clinging onto survival in the north of the strip in order to do that and claim they would be acting within international humanitarian law if they did this as well? Well how stupid do they think we are? Or is it less about stupidity and more about helplessness as our government and others too, still refuse to condemn and sanction Israel no matter what they do and the end of Gaza as we know it seems likely to be the end result?

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