What’s scarier than racists and Russian trolls on Instagram? Why, ‘Russian-influenced racist trolls,’ of course!

Joshua Roberts 2

The mainstream media censors have hit a brick wall smearing their quarry as “racists” – the overused term no longer packs much of a punch. To really work up a good scare, they’re calling the erstwhile racists “Russian-inspired.”

The 2020 US election is just around the corner and social media is crawling with wrongthink, according to the Daily Beast. This time, it’s not Russian trolls – it’s worse. The Russian trolls’ ideas have infected so-called “American neo-confederates” and created an unholy hybrid of racist Russian trolls who are unstoppable by the usual mass-deplatforming solutions used to wipe out entire nests of foreign-origin trolls. It’s almost like they’re…real people.

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