Who is Controlling Greta?


Is it just me or is Greta Thunberg getting on your nerves too? Why is this young woman getting so much attention and why are people taking her seriously? All kids worry about the end of the world then they grow up or am I being too harsh?

I posed this question on Twitter a few days ago and the overwhelming response was that instead of being too harsh I was in fact being too gentle to the ‘Eco Messiah’.

Did you see her speech at the UN? It was incredible and frightening in equal measure. Not her doom-laden prediction that the world was going to end but the manner in which she delivered it. The trembling lip, the stare, the accusations and of course the tears.

It only confirmed my long-held belief that this young girl is being used and abused by the environmental ‘nut jobs’ who are seem to be drafting her scripts.

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