Tucker Carlson just destroyed Zelensky and mainstream media propagandists | Redacted News

Tucker Carlson just returned to Twitter with a brand new show. In his first show since leaving Fox News Tucker took aim at Ukraine’s corrupt president, main stream media propagandists, and gives us a glimpse into why he was silenced at Fox. … Read More >Tucker Carlson just destroyed Zelensky and mainstream media propagandists | Redacted News

“MILLIONS WILL LOSE THEIR JOB” Because of THIS | Gerald Celente

Gerald Celente says there are RED FLAGS all over the banking industry. He predicts the commercial real estate crash will drag down the banks which with hurt the small businesses which will go on a lay off spree to survive. He said the banking crisis has only just begun, the likes of which we have never seen before. … Read More >“MILLIONS WILL LOSE THEIR JOB” Because of THIS | Gerald Celente