Fish addiction studies & Bob Dylan sculpture: Rand Paul exposes Feds’ latest extravagant spending of US taxpayer millions

The federal government is finding new and creative ways to spend US tax dollars, even as public debt soars into the trillions. Fiscal hawk Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) took aim at some of the most absurd programs out there. … Read More >Fish addiction studies & Bob Dylan sculpture: Rand Paul exposes Feds’ latest extravagant spending of US taxpayer millions

Manufacturing consent: How NY Times spins Bolivian coup against ‘coca-farming strongman’ Morales

A military-assisted coup against a democratically elected president transforms into a dramatic rescue of democracy from military dictatorship by someone who got 4 percent of the vote, to hear the US paper of record tell the story. … Read More >Manufacturing consent: How NY Times spins Bolivian coup against ‘coca-farming strongman’ Morales

Democrats know impeachment will fail, they want to turn Ukraine Quid pro quo into Trump’s Benghazi

Because the Democrats know that they can’t remove Trump from office they are trying everything to win back the presidency in 2020. The impeachment hearings are one way that they can bash the president as much as possible. … Read More >Democrats know impeachment will fail, they want to turn Ukraine Quid pro quo into Trump’s Benghazi

Hong Kong’s opposition unites with Washington hardliners to ‘preserve the US’s own political and economic interests’

On November 19th, the US Senate unanimously passed the “Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act.” Despite loudly proclaiming to protect “human rights” and “democracy,” a closer look at this legislation reveals … Read More >Hong Kong’s opposition unites with Washington hardliners to ‘preserve the US’s own political and economic interests’

Hillary’s white pantsuit says ‘empowerment’ but Tulsi’s says ‘fringe cult leader’: NYT pilloried for two-faced style commentary

The New York Times has been accused of peddling ridiculous and shamelessly biased punditry, after the Gray Lady took aim at presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard’s white pantsuit but ended up red-faced. … Read More >Hillary’s white pantsuit says ‘empowerment’ but Tulsi’s says ‘fringe cult leader’: NYT pilloried for two-faced style commentary

Beijing slams ‘hidden agenda’ behind Hong Kong ‘human rights act’ as US Senate votes unanimously in favor

The US Senate has approved a Hong Kong “human rights” bill by unified vote which would empower the State Department to grade the territory’s “autonomy” and levy sanctions on foreign officials if Washington deems it insufficient. … Read More >Beijing slams ‘hidden agenda’ behind Hong Kong ‘human rights act’ as US Senate votes unanimously in favor