Confusion in Tel Aviv as Kushner Contradicts Netanyahu on Annexation of Chunks of West Bank

In a recent interview, Trump advisor and son-in-law Jared Kushner called on Israel to hold off on applying sovereignty over West Bank settlements until after the March parliamentary elections, with his words contradicting a statement by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Tel Aviv could annex the settlement as soon as this Sunday. … Read More >Confusion in Tel Aviv as Kushner Contradicts Netanyahu on Annexation of Chunks of West Bank

Hamas: ‘All Options Legitimate’ Now for Palestinians to Fight Trump’s Contentious Peace Plan

A senior leader of Hamas, the Palestinian organisation governing the Gaza Strip, has urged Muslim and Arab leaders to reject Donald Trump’s Middle East peace plan and said that all options are now on the table for Palestinians to react. … Read More >Hamas: ‘All Options Legitimate’ Now for Palestinians to Fight Trump’s Contentious Peace Plan

Declassified Doc Exposes Israeli Plot to Prepare Arab Lands for Jewish Settlement Using Martial Law

Between 1948 and 1966, over 150,000 Arabs living within Israel’s post-independence borders were governed by military rule, faced curfews, travel restrictions, and the threat of arbitrary arrest and expulsion. … Read More >Declassified Doc Exposes Israeli Plot to Prepare Arab Lands for Jewish Settlement Using Martial Law

VIDEOS show rockets flying over Israeli territory bordering Gaza, hours after IDF targets Hamas ‘observation posts’

Footage has emerged showing Israeli missile defenses shooting down rockets allegedly launched from the direction of the Gaza Strip. One rocket out of the three reportedly managed to pierce the Iron Dome defense system. … Read More >VIDEOS show rockets flying over Israeli territory bordering Gaza, hours after IDF targets Hamas ‘observation posts’

Iran says US decision to sanction nuclear chief is ‘childish’ and shows ‘despair,’ won’t slow program down

The US decision to sanction Iran’s nuclear chief Ali Akbar Salehi as part of its maximum pressure campaign against Tehran shows Washington’s “despair” and won’t slow down the country’s civilian nuclear program, state media said. … Read More >Iran says US decision to sanction nuclear chief is ‘childish’ and shows ‘despair,’ won’t slow program down

‘We won’t be uprooted’: Mayor says Trump’s plan to make Abu Dis new Palestinian capital ‘not fair or honest’

Mayor of Abu Dis, the small town envisioned as the new Palestinian capital in Donald Trump’s Middle East ‘peace plan,’ told RT that Jerusalem will always be the true capital of Palestine and slammed US president for ignorance. … Read More >‘We won’t be uprooted’: Mayor says Trump’s plan to make Abu Dis new Palestinian capital ‘not fair or honest’

Pentagon still ’working on’ deploying Patriot missiles to Iraq, admits Baghdad’s ‘permission’ hasn’t been granted

The US Department of Defense says it is “working with the Iraqi government” to deploy Patriot missiles in the country, but admits it needs Baghdad’s “permission” – weeks after the Iraqi Parliament told foreign troops to leave. … Read More >Pentagon still ’working on’ deploying Patriot missiles to Iraq, admits Baghdad’s ‘permission’ hasn’t been granted