Ending Palestinian Statehood as ‘Path’ to Palestinian Statehood

Media coverage of the Israel/Palestine conflict over the years has typically portrayed Palestinians as obstinate and imperious negotiating partners who insist on unreasonable preconditions before reaching an agreement (e.g., U.S. News, 6/20/12; Wall Street Journal, 4/28/13; Jerusalem Post, 7/18/17). … Read More >Ending Palestinian Statehood as ‘Path’ to Palestinian Statehood

Palestinians should ‘tell us where they want to draw the lines’ but Israeli settlements will stay – Kushner

US President Donald Trump’s Senior Advisor Jared Kushner said the Palestinians are welcome to offer changes in the borders in the proposed peace plan. However, all existing Israeli settlements are not going anywhere, he added. … Read More >Palestinians should ‘tell us where they want to draw the lines’ but Israeli settlements will stay – Kushner

Militants’ drone intercepted by air defense systems of Russian base at Syria’s Hmeymim

Servicemen of the Russian airbase at Syria’s Hmeymim replied an attack of drones launched from the territory of the terrorists-controlled Idlib de-escalation zone, Major General Yuri Borenkov, chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria, said on Sunday. … Read More >Militants’ drone intercepted by air defense systems of Russian base at Syria’s Hmeymim

Palestine ‘cutting all ties’ with US and Israel over Trump’s ‘deal of the century’ – Abbas

The Palestinian Authority is cutting all ties with the US and Israel, President Mahmoud Abbas announced during a furious speech at the Arab League emergency session on the so-called “deal of the century” proposed by Donald Trump. … Read More >Palestine ‘cutting all ties’ with US and Israel over Trump’s ‘deal of the century’ – Abbas

US tells stories about ‘brain injuries’ to cover up dead troops at Iraqi base – IRGC spokesman

A spokesman for Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has accused the US of covering up deaths at a base in Iraq after a ballistic missile attack. The US insists nobody was killed, and that its troops suffered brain injuries. … Read More >US tells stories about ‘brain injuries’ to cover up dead troops at Iraqi base – IRGC spokesman

Journalist injured as press covering Ramallah protests BARRAGED by Israeli tear gas canisters (VIDEO)

A group of journalists reporting from the scene of clashes between Palestinian protests and Israeli soldiers came under fire from the Israeli side, which apparently targeted them with a barrage of tear gas canisters. … Read More >Journalist injured as press covering Ramallah protests BARRAGED by Israeli tear gas canisters (VIDEO)