Netanyahu Says Extension of Sovereignty Over West Bank Will Come ‘as Soon as We Win’ Elections

Trump’s Middle East peace deal, which was unveiled on 28 January and vehemently rejected by Palestinians, specifically stipulates that Israel extend its sovereignty over parts of the West Bank, including those located in the strategic Jordan Valley, as well as Jewish settlements there. … Read More >Netanyahu Says Extension of Sovereignty Over West Bank Will Come ‘as Soon as We Win’ Elections

Russian, Turkish military specialists among hundreds killed & injured in terrorist attacks from within Syria’s Idlib – Moscow

Terrorists took over the Idlib de-escalation zone and carried out thousands of attacks in the last two months, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement, adding that the West is portraying them as “moderate opposition.” … Read More >Russian, Turkish military specialists among hundreds killed & injured in terrorist attacks from within Syria’s Idlib – Moscow

Jerusalem car ramming against IDF soldiers investigated as a terrorist attack – police

Police are searching for a suspect who fled the scene after ramming a car into a group of people in Jerusalem, injuring 12 IDF soldiers and reportedly two more people. The incident is being investigated as an act of terrorism … Read More >Jerusalem car ramming against IDF soldiers investigated as a terrorist attack – police

Withdraw behind observation points, or Turkey will do what is necessary – Erdogan to Syrian troops

Damascus must withdraw its troops from Turkey’s positions in Idlib or face retaliation, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said, following a deadly clash between the two nations’ forces in the jihadist-riddled area. … Read More >Withdraw behind observation points, or Turkey will do what is necessary – Erdogan to Syrian troops

‘Deal of the Century’ will die before Trump does, Iran’s Khamenei tweets, dubbing the arrangement an ‘American plot’

US President Donald Trump’s much-touted peace plan for Israel and Palestine will not outlive him, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said, after the deal was widely rejected throughout the Muslim world. … Read More >‘Deal of the Century’ will die before Trump does, Iran’s Khamenei tweets, dubbing the arrangement an ‘American plot’