Turkey Raises Stakes in Syria, Libya and Puts Relations With Russia to Test – Analysts

Although the Russian and Turkish militaries resumed patrolling operations in northern Syria on 17 February, Moscow and Ankara remain dissatisfied with the developments on the ground. Middle East experts Ghassan Kadi and Christopher Assad have explained Turkey’s two-front strategy in Syria and Libya which has put Russo-Turkish relations to the test. … Read More >Turkey Raises Stakes in Syria, Libya and Puts Relations With Russia to Test – Analysts

Moscow Says Attacks on Russian, Syrian Troops in Idlib Continue as Erdogan Threatens ‘Imminent’ Op

Idlib Province in Syria has suffered an uptick of clashes between the Syrian Arab Army and militants supported by Turkey. Ankara maintains that Damascus breached a ceasefire agreement and threatened to launch a military offensive in retaliation. … Read More >Moscow Says Attacks on Russian, Syrian Troops in Idlib Continue as Erdogan Threatens ‘Imminent’ Op

‘Worst case scenario’: Kremlin slams Turkey’s threat of military operation against Syrian government in Idlib

Turkey sending troops to Syria to fight against the government would be the ‘worst case scenario’, Kremlin spokesman said after Ankara threatened that such an operation was imminent. … Read More >‘Worst case scenario’: Kremlin slams Turkey’s threat of military operation against Syrian government in Idlib

US ‘shamelessly & impudently’ PILLAGES Syrian oilfields but forbids supply of hydrocarbons to Damascus, says Russian defense chief

Russia’s Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu slammed the US for occupying Syrian oilfields, calling it a major obstacle to the reconstruction of the country after the conflict. … Read More >US ‘shamelessly & impudently’ PILLAGES Syrian oilfields but forbids supply of hydrocarbons to Damascus, says Russian defense chief

Syrian Forces Continue Lightning Advance in Country’s North, Free Most of Aleppo Province – Reports

The Syrian Army completed the liberation of the city of Aleppo, the Arab Republic’s second-largest population center, in late 2016, but militants continued to control much of the province of Aleppo in the years since, their de-facto control ensured in a 2017 peace deal. … Read More >Syrian Forces Continue Lightning Advance in Country’s North, Free Most of Aleppo Province – Reports

Former Arab League Secretary General: Syria’s Return is Close

The international organisation suspended Syria’s membership in 2011 after violent protests turned into a full-scale civil war. Recent reports, however, show that many countries are ready to re-establish ties with Damascus as the Syrian government restores control over the country. … Read More >Former Arab League Secretary General: Syria’s Return is Close