Idlib is a ‘magnet for terrorist groups’, says US military spokesman — contradicting MSM narrative on Syria

The many terrorist groups who call Idlib province home are a “menace and a threat” to the civilians living there, Operation Inherent Resolve spokesperson Col. Myles Caggins told SkyNews, spoiling their ‘evil Assad’ narrative. … Read More >Idlib is a ‘magnet for terrorist groups’, says US military spokesman — contradicting MSM narrative on Syria

Reports of ‘hundreds of thousands’ of civilians heading to Turkish border because of hostilities in Idlib not true – Russian MoD

The Russian military has denied rumours that scores of refugees are fleeing Syria’s Idlib province and moving towards the Turkish border due to battles between the Syrian Army and terrorists in the area. … Read More >Reports of ‘hundreds of thousands’ of civilians heading to Turkish border because of hostilities in Idlib not true – Russian MoD

Shadow of war: What are the odds Turkey will start a full-scale offensive against Syria in Idlib?

Tensions are boiling over between Ankara and Damascus as Turkey vowed to take matters into its own hands and openly intervene in Syria’s Idlib province, where government forces are routing the Turkish-backed militants. … Read More >Shadow of war: What are the odds Turkey will start a full-scale offensive against Syria in Idlib?

Russian warplanes repel attack on Syrian army in Idlib as militants launch offensive aided by Turkish artillery — Moscow

The Russian Defense Ministry says its Air Force launched strikes to repel a militant offensive against the Syrian Army in Idlib, which had sought to breach the government forces’ defensive lines with Turkey’s backing. … Read More >Russian warplanes repel attack on Syrian army in Idlib as militants launch offensive aided by Turkish artillery — Moscow

Russian air force struck militants that attacked Syrian government forces in Idlib, helped repel assault – defense ministry

Russian Air Forces launched airstrikes against militants in Idlib that attacked the Syrian Army and sought to breach their defensive lines, the Russian Defense Ministry said, adding that the offensive has been repelled. … Read More >Russian air force struck militants that attacked Syrian government forces in Idlib, helped repel assault – defense ministry

‘Terrorists’ launch major attack against Syrian Army in Idlib, reports say ‘pro-Turkish’ militants involved

Syrian state media say “terrorists” have launched a major offensive in the province of Idlib. Some reports suggest “pro-Turkish” militants are also taking part as tensions between Ankara and Damascus mount. … Read More >‘Terrorists’ launch major attack against Syrian Army in Idlib, reports say ‘pro-Turkish’ militants involved

WATCH Aleppo intl airport receive FIRST flight ending years-long shutdown after Syrian troops clear recovering city of militants

A Syrian Air flight has landed at Aleppo International Airport for the first time in years, marking a milestone in the recovery of the city, which has been returning to normal life from the abyss of its civil war. … Read More >WATCH Aleppo intl airport receive FIRST flight ending years-long shutdown after Syrian troops clear recovering city of militants

Israel to Expand Gaza Strip Fishing Zone if Projectile Attacks Continue to Wane

Israel will expand the Gaza fishing zone from 10 nautical miles to 15 nautical miles and increase the number of travel permits to Israel for Gaza Strip merchants to 2,000, Maj. Gen. Kamil Abu Rukun, the coordinator of government activities in the territories, announced Tuesday. … Read More >Israel to Expand Gaza Strip Fishing Zone if Projectile Attacks Continue to Wane