Israeli Biotech Institute Issues Fraud Notice as Fake Coronavirus ‘Vaccine’ Pops Up in South America

Israel’s state-supported Galilee Research Institute (Migal) is known to be working on a cutting edge COVID-19 treatment, but human testing of the vaccine is only expected to start in June, and production, delivery and sale of the drug only after that. … Read More >Israeli Biotech Institute Issues Fraud Notice as Fake Coronavirus ‘Vaccine’ Pops Up in South America

Maduro Defends Iran & Venezuela’s Right to ‘Trade Freely’, Thanks Tehran for Help Amid US Sanctions

The first Iranian tanker carrying gasoline and the components to produce it from oil arrived in the Bolivarian Republic on 24 May, despite the two countries’ concerns that it risked being intercepted by the US Navy, which is patrolling the Caribbean. … Read More >Maduro Defends Iran & Venezuela’s Right to ‘Trade Freely’, Thanks Tehran for Help Amid US Sanctions

Second Iranian Tanker ‘Forest’ Reaches Venezuelan Exclusive Economic Zone, Tracking Data Shows

The second tanker follows the first of five Iranian vessels carrying an estimated total 1.53 barrels of gasoline between them. The first vessel, the ‘Fortune’, successfully reached Venezuela the day before, and was escorted into the port by the Bolivarian Navy. … Read More >Second Iranian Tanker ‘Forest’ Reaches Venezuelan Exclusive Economic Zone, Tracking Data Shows

First Iranian tanker crosses into Venezuela’s economic zone as US ships spotted nearby – tracking data

The first of five Iranian tankers carrying fuel to Venezuela has entered the nation’s exclusive economic zone, tracking data shows. Earlier, Tehran threatened the US with retaliation for interfering with the vessels’ passage. … Read More >First Iranian tanker crosses into Venezuela’s economic zone as US ships spotted nearby – tracking data

US threatens MILITARY FORCE against Iranian tankers bound for Caracas – Venezuelan envoy to UN

Iranian oil tankers heading to Venezuela are facing an imminent threat of a US armed attack in what Caracas labels a “crime of aggression and extermination,” the country’s envoy to the United Nations has warned. … Read More >US threatens MILITARY FORCE against Iranian tankers bound for Caracas – Venezuelan envoy to UN

Brazil Turns Into ‘Bubbling Cauldron’ as COVID Cases Soar & Political Crisis Looms, Analyst Says

There is a great underreporting of deaths and COVID cases in Brazil due to a dramatic lack of testing, says Brazilian political analyst Gustavo Guerreiro, shedding light on government resignations and looming impeachment probes against President Jair Bolsonaro amid the coronavirus pandemic in the country. … Read More >Brazil Turns Into ‘Bubbling Cauldron’ as COVID Cases Soar & Political Crisis Looms, Analyst Says