US sues Snowden for violating ‘CIA & NSA non-disclosure pact’ with his new book, but it also wants the proceeds

The US government has filed a lawsuit against the National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden, alleging that his newly-published memoir ‘Permanent Record’ violates nondisclosure agreements he signed with the CIA and NSA. … Read More >US sues Snowden for violating ‘CIA & NSA non-disclosure pact’ with his new book, but it also wants the proceeds

‘Israel at historic juncture’: Netanyahu refuses to concede as Gantz claims ‘mission accomplished’

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to fight on even as exit polls showed him tied or lagging behind his main opposition rival, with a slim chance of assembling the coalition needed for a fifth term. … Read More >‘Israel at historic juncture’: Netanyahu refuses to concede as Gantz claims ‘mission accomplished’

Oil supply is back to what it was before the attack, but we don’t know yet who is responsible – Saudi energy minister

Saudi Arabia’s energy minister said that its oil supplies had resumed and that its oil market would be “fully back online” by the end of September following attacks which Washington blames on Iran while Riyadh is still probing. … Read More >Oil supply is back to what it was before the attack, but we don’t know yet who is responsible – Saudi energy minister

‘Crazy’ for Polish PM to suggest Nord Stream 2 pipeline is a ‘threat’ to European energy security

It is “rubbish” for Polish PM Mateusz Morawiecki to claim that the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which will deliver a supply of cheap gas from Russia to the EU, is a “threat” to European energy security, analyst John Laughland told RT. … Read More >‘Crazy’ for Polish PM to suggest Nord Stream 2 pipeline is a ‘threat’ to European energy security

‘Tremendous concern’: Jordan’s King Abdullah says Israel annexing settlements would be ‘disaster’

The King of Jordan has come out harshly against any Israeli plans to annex new territory in the West Bank, predicting a “disaster” for what remains of the peace process with the Palestinians, and for a two-state solution. … Read More >‘Tremendous concern’: Jordan’s King Abdullah says Israel annexing settlements would be ‘disaster’

Israeli election suspense: Even if Netanyahu beats Gantz, forming coalition would be challenging

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is yet to see if his promises of annexing more land, regarded undermining the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, was enough to attract the votes and continue a decade of reign. … Read More >Israeli election suspense: Even if Netanyahu beats Gantz, forming coalition would be challenging