Syria: Terrorist Attacks, More NATO Weapons and War Crimes

As NATO media are currently mourning the departure of Neocon, John Bolton, and incited support for US bombing of Iran because Yemeni patriots engaged in a retaliatory bombing of an oil refinery in Saudi occupied Arabia, no attention is given to ongoing war crimes by the Trump and Erdogan … Read More >Syria: Terrorist Attacks, More NATO Weapons and War Crimes

‘You are not our pimp’: Tulsi Gabbard accuses Trump of placing US troops under command of ‘Islamist dictator’

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard compared President Trump to a pimp while criticizing one of his tweets that indicated he would follow Saudi Arabia’s lead in responding to an attack on one of the kingdom’s major oil facilities. … Read More >‘You are not our pimp’: Tulsi Gabbard accuses Trump of placing US troops under command of ‘Islamist dictator’

‘We are not your prostitutes!’ Tulsi Gabbard slams Trump for ‘pimping out’ US soldiers to Saudi Arabia

Democratic presidential hopeful Tulsi Gabbard has doubled down on her attacks on President Donald Trump’s ‘disgraceful’ allegiance to Saudi Arabia, eviscerating his ‘betrayal’ of her fellow soldiers and the US Constitution. … Read More >‘We are not your prostitutes!’ Tulsi Gabbard slams Trump for ‘pimping out’ US soldiers to Saudi Arabia

Netanyahu Cancels Participation in UNGA Session in Wake of Snap Parliamentary Election Results

The preliminary results of the Israeli general elections indicate that opposition Blue and White coalition and the Likud party of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, are going to be tied in the number of seats, meaning … Read More >Netanyahu Cancels Participation in UNGA Session in Wake of Snap Parliamentary Election Results

Saudi Arabia accuses Iran of sponsoring oil-plant attack, says it ‘couldn’t have originated in Yemen’

Saudi Arabia has claimed that Iran was the sponsor attacks on its oil treatment facilities, presenting wreckage of drones and missiles as “definitive proof” of Tehran’s involvement. … Read More >Saudi Arabia accuses Iran of sponsoring oil-plant attack, says it ‘couldn’t have originated in Yemen’