False alarm or malicious rumor? Twitter account claiming to be Ecuadorian FM falsely announces death of Julian Assange

A Twitter account purporting to belong to Ecuador’s newly promoted foreign minister has falsely reported Wikileaks founder Julian Assange’s death, acknowledging the news is “unconfirmed.” It’s not clear who’s behind the report. … Read More >False alarm or malicious rumor? Twitter account claiming to be Ecuadorian FM falsely announces death of Julian Assange

Half of Austrians fear stating opinions publicly, citing over-the-top political correctness & fear of being branded ‘alt right’

One in two Austrians prefers to keep their opinions to themselves, partly due to fear of being labeled an “alt right,” a new survey shows, as people in the Alpine land appear to grow wary of “exaggerated” political correctness. … Read More >Half of Austrians fear stating opinions publicly, citing over-the-top political correctness & fear of being branded ‘alt right’

Strikingly-high Covid-19 mortality rate reported in Spanish children could have been centenarians ‘misreported as kids’

Figures published by The Lancet journal last week suggest Spain has an alarmingly high mortality rate from Covid-19 among children. But there’s a catch – most of the deaths included were likely old people misreported as minors. … Read More >Strikingly-high Covid-19 mortality rate reported in Spanish children could have been centenarians ‘misreported as kids’

Joe Biden backing ‘Putin is a killer’ claim is ‘tantrum of powerlessness’ & attack on whole of Russia, country’s top MP declares

Explosive comments made by US President Joe Biden, in which he suggested his Russian counterpart is “a killer,” have ignited a diplomatic row, as Moscow’s chief parliamentarian said the remarks constitute an attack on the country. … Read More >Joe Biden backing ‘Putin is a killer’ claim is ‘tantrum of powerlessness’ & attack on whole of Russia, country’s top MP declares

After day of drama, Russian ambassador to US summoned back to Moscow for consultations on future relations with Washington

Russia’s ambassador to the US, Anatoly Antonov, has been recalled to Moscow for in-person discussions on the country’s ongoing relations with Washington and Joe Biden’s administration, the Foreign Ministry has said. … Read More >After day of drama, Russian ambassador to US summoned back to Moscow for consultations on future relations with Washington

‘Russians are pretty good scientists’: EU internal market chief says he has ‘no reason’ to doubt Sputnik V vaccine

European Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton has said that he has “no reason” to doubt the efficacy of the Russian-made Sputnik V vaccine. He added that Brussels needs a large portfolio of vaccines to fight Covid-19. … Read More >‘Russians are pretty good scientists’: EU internal market chief says he has ‘no reason’ to doubt Sputnik V vaccine

Sanctions against Russia are inflicting ‘enormous damage on both sides,’ warns EU watchdog, calling on Brussels to ‘build bridges’

Harsh economic measures imposed by the EU on Russia hurts business on both sides of the divide, the president of one of the bloc’s largest industry bodies has bemoaned, saying politicians should focus on common ground instead. … Read More >Sanctions against Russia are inflicting ‘enormous damage on both sides,’ warns EU watchdog, calling on Brussels to ‘build bridges’

India to cut Saudi oil imports amid escalating standoff over output & diversification drive

Indian state refiners are planning to cut oil imports from Saudi Arabia by about a quarter in May, Reuters has reported, citing its sources. This comes after calls from India to increase crude production were ignored by OPEC. … Read More >India to cut Saudi oil imports amid escalating standoff over output & diversification drive