UN human rights commissioner slams Ukraine for closure of opposition TV channels, attacks on politicians & crackdown on activists

A damning new assessment from the UN’s human rights chief has condemned Ukraine for overseeing a major crackdown on opposition-backing media and politicians it deems ‘pro-Russian’, warning fair trials might not be guaranteed. … Read More >UN human rights commissioner slams Ukraine for closure of opposition TV channels, attacks on politicians & crackdown on activists

‘Slap in the face’: Namibian descendants of German genocide victims condemn aid deal

Namibian descendants of victims of the genocide committed by Germany during its colonial rule have rejected a deal made by the governments of the two countries as a “slap in the face” that has “no regard for the human lives lost.” … Read More >‘Slap in the face’: Namibian descendants of German genocide victims condemn aid deal

UK and EU competition watchdogs launch twin antitrust inquiries into Facebook over platform’s use of ad data

Facebook will be investigated by the competition watchdogs of the UK and the EU for allegedly using data from its advertisers to carve out an unfair advantage over rivals, authorities in the two territories have announced. … Read More >UK and EU competition watchdogs launch twin antitrust inquiries into Facebook over platform’s use of ad data

Twitter scrubs Nigerian president’s post & suspends account for ‘abusive behavior’ after tweeting warning to rebels

Twitter has removed a post by the president of Nigeria and temporarily locked his account, claiming he broke the site’s “abusive behavior” policy after sending a warning to rebels accused of attacks on police and election offices. … Read More >Twitter scrubs Nigerian president’s post & suspends account for ‘abusive behavior’ after tweeting warning to rebels

Argentina’s oil workers threaten STRIKE if government doesn’t greenlight private Covid-19 vaccine purchase

Argentina’s largest oil workers union is eager to buy coronavirus vaccines on its own, warning that it will be forced to go on strike to protect the health of its members if the government doesn’t quickly authorize the sale. … Read More >Argentina’s oil workers threaten STRIKE if government doesn’t greenlight private Covid-19 vaccine purchase

Bibi’s done? Anti-Netanyahu coalition notifies Israeli president that it has formed new government after Arab party joins

Yair Lapid and Naftali Bennett have put together a governing coalition to oust PM Benjamin Netanyahu, just minutes before time ran out. For the first time in history, an Arab-Israeli party will be on board. … Read More >Bibi’s done? Anti-Netanyahu coalition notifies Israeli president that it has formed new government after Arab party joins

US sanctions against Moscow are a ‘persistent risk’ but national reserves can withstand everything, says Russian Central Bank head

The threat of more sanctions hanging over Moscow is a “persistent risk” for Russia, but the country has increased its cash reserves and changed its banking policy to keep any potential dangers from economic measures under control. … Read More >US sanctions against Moscow are a ‘persistent risk’ but national reserves can withstand everything, says Russian Central Bank head